26 April 2013

Sad Days and Happy Days

I haven't felt like blogging in awhile and the events of last week just added to my lack of motivation.

I don't want to go too overboard here because I wasn't directly affected and I don't know anyone who was directly affected, either. Which is kind of a miracle when you think about it because Boston, in a lot of ways, is just a big small town and living around here is often like playing one giant game of Six Two Degrees of Separation.

Anyway, like pretty much everyone else, I spent most of last week (and especially Friday) glued to the news. Friday was restless and peppered with a couple of short naps here and there. I couldn't get anything productive done. My office was closed, things felt surreal, and I didn't know what to do with myself. Things were too close, and the week weighed on me in unexpected ways.

But everything is getting back to normal.

Last Sunday we threw a party for Sarah and Curtis who are getting married in a couple of short weeks (!!!). We'd been keeping a really big secret from them for a few months, and let me tell you - it wasn't an easy thing to do.


We made them a quilt!

Our clandestine quilt-meetings were bittersweet - it was so fun getting together regularly to work on this in a big group, but it was tough not having Sarah there. But sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the greater good.

The quilt is double-sided, enormous, and was quite the undertaking, but you know what? We are kind of crafty superheroes :)

A week from today, I will be on my way to Europe for 9 days. I'm so excited, but it would really be nice if time would slow down! Things are happening waaaaaaay too fast.

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